Episode 02-04: Valentin Noves – AI in Software Dev

Welcome back  “Wrench’s Gadgets & Hacks” where we explore the latest in technology and innovation. In this episode host Carl Storms dives into the world of AI in software development and the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations) industry with special guest Valentin Noves. They explore the practical applications of AI, the challenges faced by developers, and the future of AI in coding and beyond. 

Be sure to stick around to the end, for the hack and learn about these points👇(just click the CLICK TO CONTINUE READING AND SEE SHOW NOTES)

Key Discussion Points:

  1. AI in Software Development: Valentin and Carl discussed how AI tools like Copilot and Codeium are used in software development. They noted that junior developers tend to use these tools more frequently than senior developers, especially when dealing with complex coding problems.
  2. Training and Learning with AI: Valentin emphasized the usefulness of AI as a training tool, highlighting how it can help developers quickly learn and solve specific problems without sifting through extensive tutorials.
  3. Custom AI Models: Creating custom AI models was discussed, with Valentine explaining the challenges related to data quality and quantity. He shared an example of an experimental project where they tried to use AI for construction schedules and found limitations due to insufficient data.
  4. Future of AI in AECO: Valentine shared his views on the potential of AI to automate and enhance various aspects of the AECO industry. He stressed the importance of finding a balance between using AI tools and traditional methods.
  5. Fun with AI: Valentin recounted experimental projects like translating city images into music and creating ontologies for building IoT device placement. These projects, while experimental, showcased the creative and fun side of working with AI.

Join us for this insightful conversation as we jump into the world of AI from the software developers side and its potential in the AECO industry and beyond.

* The above was created with a helping hand from an LLM from the Podcast Episode transcript, which as transcribed by AI 😁

You can listen to the podcast, HERE, the Spotify player at the start of this post, or on your favorite podcast app. If you prefer visual content, be sure to check out the video on YouTube.

Show Notes:

  • SPOLIERS beyond if you have not seen or read Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  • Valentin is the CEO at e-verse, he is also an Entrepreneur, Architect and an expert in the area of BIM & VDC within the AEC world
  • AEC Works Events – List of upcoming AEC events curated by e-verse
  • BILT Europe 2024 – The event Valentin spoke about where he had class that showed an example of when to use AI vs when not to use AI
  • MVP – In coding this means: Minimal Viable Product, but should it be Minimal Viable Proudness? Stick around to the end to find out 😉

AI tools from the episode:

  • GitHub Copilot – Organizations and developers all over the world use GitHub Copilot to code faster, drive impact, and focus on doing what matters most: building great software.
  • Codeium – The most intelligent AI code generation tool out there and we have the data to prove it.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for AI – Visual Studio Tools for AI is an extension to build, test, and deploy Deep Learning / AI solutions.
  • Ollama – Get up and running with large language models locally and offline.
  • Bedrock – Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that makes it easy to use foundation models from third-party providers and Amazon. Lets you run multiple LLMs at once.
  • LABOPHASE – Get the best answer for your questions powered by multiple AIs at once.
  • MultiLLM – MultiLLM by VerifAI ranks LLM responses based on a series of parameters and weightings. The parameters differ depending on whether the prompt is a request for text or code.
  • Hugging Face – The AI community building the future – 720,000 + open source AI models
  • Concise prompting cuts AI costs by 20% – Researchers just found that adding a simple ‘be concise’ instruction to chain-of-thought prompts can reduce the length of AI responses by 50% with minimal impact on accuracy — leading to over 20% cost savings on API calls.
  • BIM42 – Over the years, BIM 42 has published various products around Revit, Naviswokrs, IFC and BCF. Some are open source, and all are in various state of completion.
  • OQULi – Customizable software solutions empowering Design, Construction, and Manufacturing communities to craft their tools via an interactive crowdsourcing system.
  • CODii – Design compliance assistant
  • Devin – Meet Devin, the world’s first fully autonomous AI software engineer.

You can find all of the WGH links in one place with our 👉 BIO LINK

Also a BIG Thanks to Alex Grohl for our amazing intro and outro music “Indie Hey Song (Lost Fragments)” You can find more great royalty-free music from Alex on Pixabay

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